OpenAI vs Mistral vs Claude vs Gemini APIs

Anh-Thi Dinh
In any case, you should check the official document, this note may be outdated in the future.

Remarks (for all services)

  • Mistral and Claude don’t accept null in the request body. OpenAI allows that (not with AzureOpenAI, I tried with stream_options). In OpenAI request, if you input null, the default value for that property will be used. However, there will be an error if you put null in the request body of Mistral.
  • Only OpenAI has user and n parameters.

Function calling (Tools / Tool call / Tool use)

  • Stronger models give better results.


[0, 2]
[0, 1]
[0, 1]
[0, 2] (gemini-1.5-pro)
[0, 1] (
[0, 2] (
[0, 1] (
1 (gemini-1.5-pro)
0.4 (
1 (
0.9 (

Max tokens

No services give a very clear discription about the max tokens. You have to read the documentation carefully.
  • Claude gives the max output to 4096 tokens to all models.
  • OpenAI sometimes give 4096 tokens for the output.


  • Mistral and Claude don’t accept null in the request body. OpenAI allows that (not with AzureOpenAI, I tried with stream_options). In OpenAI request, if you input null, the default value for that property will be used. However, there will be an error if you put null in the request body of Mistral.


There are some remarks (tried with version 1.40.8 and below):
  • It doesn’t accept null (when you use REST API) or None (when using Python SDK) with some specific endpoints (whereas some don’t have this kind of issue). I tried with stream_options. However, the class OpenAI (also from that package) allows that!
  • Even if we add stream_options=True in the request, there is no usage return as in OpenAI class!
  • Note that, the changes in Azure OpenAI often come after the official OpenAI’s changes. For example, property max_completion_tokens replaces max_tokens but it isn’t supported yet in Azure OpenAI.
  • Although OpenAI says that max_completion_tokens is a new way of the dedicated max_tokens but they aren’t the same in my tests. For example, if we set max_tokens=200 for model gpt-4o and max_completion_tokens=200 for model o1-mini. The latter will stops without content and finish_reson is “length” (it seems it’s too short to show) when I ask “hello”. The former is good to show the answer.


  • Mistral and Claude don’t accept null in the request body. OpenAI allows that (not with AzureOpenAI, I tried with stream_options). In OpenAI request, if you input null, the default value for that property will be used. However, there will be an error if you put null in the request body of Mistral.
  • Remark: if you use rest api, i’ts tool_calls in the returned object where it’s toolCalls if you use sdk. The same for others like finish_reason or prompt_tokens.
  • Differences with streaming enabled between sdk and rest api:
    • 1// rest api
      4// sdk


  • Mistral and Claude don’t accept null in the request body. OpenAI allows that (not with AzureOpenAI, I tried with stream_options). In OpenAI request, if you input null, the default value for that property will be used. However, there will be an error if you put null in the request body of Mistral.
  • max_tokens is required!
  • It has a very different format in comparison with OpenAI and Mistral (both in input and output).
  • Claude doesn’t have an endpoint for getting the list of models like OpenAI/Mistral.
  • If you use REST API, you have to indicate version of the API, if you use SDK, you don’t have to.
  • First message must use the “user” role. OpenAI/Mistral don’t restrict this rule.


  • Different from other services, the role in the content message is either “user” or “model” (not “assistant”)
  • Different from other services, Gemini doesn’t allow the name of a tool starting with special characters like -.
  • “system_instruction” isn’t enabled for model gemini-1.0-pro, if you use it, there will be an error Developer instruction is not enabled for models/gemini-1.0-pro". In this case, you can use "role": "model" for the instruction.
    • 1{
      2	"contents": [
      3		{
      4			"role": "model", 
      5			"parts": { "text": "You are a very helpful assistant!" } 
      6		},
      7		{
      8			"role": "user", 
      9			"parts": { "text": "Hello, who are you?" } 
      10		}
      11	]

Streaming response with REST API

Most services provide their own SDK to get the streaming response. These SDKs work out of the box. However, there are cases where we cannot use the SDKs (for example, I encountered the error ERR_REQUIRE_ESM when working with the Mistral SDK). In such cases, it's better to work directly with their REST APIs.

Using fetch

Check this code.

Using axios

Check this code.


1request_body = {
2    'model': 'casperhansen/llama-3-70b-instruct-awq',
3    'messages': [
4        {'role': 'user', 'content': 'count from 1 to 2, separated by commas'}
5    ],
6    'stream': True,
7    'stream_options': {"include_usage": True}
10headers = {
11    'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + api_key,
12    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
15stream = True
16with, data=json.dumps(request_body), stream=stream, headers=headers) as response:
17    if response.status_code == 200:
18        for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
19            if chunk and chunk.startswith(b'data: '):
20                print(chunk.decode('utf-8'))
21    else:
22        print(f"Failed to connect: {response.status_code}")
Remark: The chunk depends heavily and “strangely” on the chunk_size. Even if we set chunk_size=None to get the full chunk, the return chunk is shown below
1index: 0
2data: xxxxx
3data: xxxxxx
4data: xxxx
6index: 1
7data: xxxx
9index: 2
10data: xxxx
11data: [DONE]
I don't understand (yet) why the chunk in the for loop returned like that. That's why we cannot handle it normally by parsing the JSON format for each chunk. Instead, one idea is to use .search with regex to get the format and value we want.
If we count the data : found in each chunk, it will be 3, 1, 1, …, 1, 2. I still don’t know why!
