Kindle & Calibre & Ebooks

Anh-Thi Dinh
This is a quick & dirty draft, for me only!
My personal note for kindle devices. It contains mainly the "best for me" applications, some "not common" settings and several best practices.
Fact: I use Kindle Oasis.

New ebook?

Below way makes sure that your ebooks are in good format, stored and sync between your reading devices.
  1. Ebook purchased with file / download.
  1. Formated by Calibre (add metada, cover,...).
  1. Convertd to mobi (kindle format). In the convert window, choose Page setup and then choose your device.
  1. Send to Kindle using Send to Kindle app. Drag and drop (converted) mobi files to the app.
  1. Add to collection on Amazon cloud.
  1. Sync to Kindle device.

Other tips with Calibre

  1. Choose a place to store ebooks, should be a cloud service like Dropbox or Google Drive (I used this) to use on different operation systems.
  1. Auto search & download metadata & cover: Choose book/books > Right click and choose Edit metadata > Download metadata and covers > Then verify and save.
      • You can use [[cmd]] + [[D]].
      • You should change the name and author correctly for a better search.
  1. Modify metadata: Choose a book (or list of books) > right click and choose Edit metadata > ...
      • You can search for a cover on the internet > Right click on this cover > Copy image > On Calibre, in Edit metadata individually, right click on current cover > Paste cover.
      • "Title" is for displaying in Kindle. "Title sort" is for being sorted in Calibre.
      • "Author" and "Author sort" should be "Tu Kim Tran" and "Tran, Tu Kim", for example.
  1. Quickly edit some field of a book: just need to click 2 times on this field (not so fast).