
Anh-Thi Dinh

View localhost

1pip install grip # <>
2cd myrepo
3grip # Running on <http://localhost:6419/>
Update: grip support with limited times of usage, we can use VSCode markdown previwer instead, it’s builtin.

Clone with Personal Access Tokens (PAT)

Go to this link to generate a new PAT. Then using your PAT as a password.
1$ git clone <>
2Username: <your_username>
3Password: <your_personal_access_token>

Clone via git@ (ssh)

Update: It's easier if we use Github CLI!
👉 More references: this and this.
1# Go to <>
2# copy public key
3cat ~/.ssh/
1# clone some repo
2git clone [email protected]:dinhanhthi/


  • Commits to a fork don't appear in your contributions graph.
  • Commits to a generated from template can appear in your contributions graph.
  • Get size of a github repo:<user>/<repo> then find property "size". The size is in KB.

Repo template

Add Shields tags

👉 Main shield site here.
👉 Example of usage:
my main github page.
1# scikit-learn badge
3# ...<NAME>-<Background-Color>?style...&logo=<LOGO>&logoColor=<LOGO-COLOR>
  • Logo name can be found at simpleicon. If the name includes spaces, replace them with dashes (e.g: ?logo=visual-studio-code)
  • Wanna create a custom logo?
    • Change SVG to PNG if needed: use this site.
    • (Optional) Change logo's color to white: use this site.
    • Must resize the image to 14x14: use this site.
    • Convert to base64 file: use this site, then copy ... and paste after &logo=
